- What has a heart that doesn’t beat? Answer: An artichoke.
- What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? Answer: A stamp.
- I am not alive, but I grow. I don’t have lungs, but I need air. I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I? Answer: Fire.
- What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? Answer: The future.
- I am taken from a mine and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every person. What am I? Answer: A pencil lead.
- What starts with an “e,” ends with an “e,” but contains only one letter? Answer: An envelope.
- I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I? Answer: An echo.
- I am not alive, but I can die if I drink. What am I? Answer: Fire.
- What has a neck but no head, and wears a cap but has no face? Answer: A bottle.
- What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? Answer: The future.
I hope you enjoy these riddles!